
The Atmos Energy Brand Library is the "official" source for Atmos Energy brand resources for Atmos Energy employees and business partners.

At Atmos Energy, we view our brand as more than just a logo or an ad campaign. Our brand is the collective thoughts and feelings of customers and stakeholders when they see our name. Our brand is the culmination of every shadow cast by each one of our employees.

Atmos Energy Brand Basics

Did you know? It is unacceptable to use the word "Atmos" without the word "Energy," both in graphics and written text. Always refer to the company as "Atmos Energy."

Learn more about our brand from our Atmos Energy Brand Basics (.ppt) overview presentation.

For additional information, view our Brand Guidelines page: Brand Guidelines & Resources.

Contact Us

Should you have any questions or need need additional information, please e-mail us at Corporate Communications.

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